Renewable Energy

Ghazal Capital SDN BHD

Ghazal Capital has recently partnered with Intec Energies, a technology engineering company headquartered in Berlin. Intec Energies is a system provider and technology supplier specializing in innovative, eco-friendly, and highly profitable environmental technologies in the areas of recycling and recovery.

INTEC's vision of a cleaner world focuses on converting waste products into valuable raw materials—delivering high returns in the process. An ecological claim no longer excludes economic success, this approach aligns with Ghazal Capital's vision, leading to a mutually beneficial partnership.

Through Intec Energies, Ghazal Capital primarily focuses on two business areas:

  • Energy from Waste
  • Tire Recycling

Services Include:

Development, project planning, sales, manufacturing, and assembly of industrial plants in the fields of recycling and environmental technologies.

Ghazal Capital SDN BHD

Our Plant Systems:

INTEC Synthesis Gas Systems – Waste to Energy

Concept: Generation and utilization of synthesis gas from organic waste. These technologically unique plants enable energy recovery from organic waste and various residues.

INTEC Recycling Systems – Material Recovery from End-of-Life Tires

Concept: Production of micro rubber powder from end-of-life tires and rubber residues. These plants support fully cryogenic production and versatile processing of ultra-fine rubber powder.

Ghazal Capital SDN BHD

We deliver turnkey solutions tailored to your needs. Our corporate structure allows us to take a targeted approach in research and development to meet your technological requirements.

We outsource the production of standard and customer-specific system components to experienced and carefully selected companies, ensuring consistent availability for our customers.

We support our customers even after the installation and commissioning of plant systems, providing comprehensive knowledge transfer, training, and assistance with the resale of products generated by the systems.

Upon request, we offer customer-specific financing options with private and institutional investors, as well as comprehensive insurance services.

We develop new processes and systems that help address urgent ecological and economic challenges of our time.